2000 Parent Stories

In 2000, these were Baby Einstein's Parent Stories i found at Archive...

"I received the Baby Einstein tape as a gift from my cousin. She told me how much her son loved watching this video. I could not believe that an infant would sit and watch a video. When I had my children there was no such thing. I exposed Micayla, my granddaughter to Baby Einstein at 1 week old. Her and I watch it at least 3 times a week. Baby Einstein is her favorite. I just have to say, "Micayla do you want to watch your Baby Einstein movie?" And she replies with a nod and claps her hands. She now is one year old and knows the video by heart. (And so do I) Thank you."

- 2000-10-14

"I recently had to write to Julie and tell her Thanks first hand. I am utterly impressed with these creations! My girlfriend purchased 'Baby Mozart' for my son when he was 3&1/2 mo. old at the advice of a mutual friend. Her son was the same age as my son, and had been enjoying Baby Mozart for months. So, curiously we had my son watch it. HE LOVED IT! He has been watching it daily for 3 months and I don't think that I could have taken a shower the last few months if not for 'Baby Mozart'! He love the "castle-pounder" and "blah!" from Bard the most. He started to giggle when he saw the castlepounder for the first few time. I though it was just a fluke, so I rewound it a few times and sure enough! He laughed each and every time! AMAZING! Now he has basically memorized the entire tape. So I purchased the DVD gift set of all 3 (Baby Bach, Mozart and Einstein). I am very pleased with them so far and can't wait for him to love the other two like he loves "Baby Mozart". I love all the added features to the DVD format(flashcards,different language mode,concert mode) I am forever grateful for these treasures and give them to all my friends that are expecting. And I of course have to tell everyone about these great tapes/dvds because every child (and parent!) should have at least 1! Thank you! Keep up the good work!"


"When I first saw an ad for these videos I thought the idea was a little silly. After my son was born he suffered from colic and I spent many hours walking, singing, and trying to calm him. He would settle down for a while if he was distracted but would soon start crying again if I stopped holding him or talking to him. This was very difficult since I also have three other children. I bought the Baby Bach video when he was around 2 months old and thought it might calm him down. The reaction he had the first time he saw the video was amazing. His eyes never left the television screen and he was actually smiling. He's now almost 4 months old and he coos to the videos and kicks his feet during his favorite parts. We have also purchased the Baby Mozart video and it gets the same response. They work wonders when he is cranky or overly tired. We are looking forward to adding the other Baby Einstein videos to our collection."


"Simpy put, these videos are miracle devices for calming a cranky, fussy baby. My husband and I are still in awe at the way in which these videos instantly satisfy our 10 month old even in her worse moments. She started watching them at 5 months old is still just as mesmorized as she was the first day. Doctor's should prescribe these videos for colicky babies!"

-2000-10-06, Iowa

"I joined a parenting board online when I was pregnant, many of the women could not stop talking about Baby Bach, Baby Mozart and Baby Einstein. Once my son was born I had to see for myself. I purchased Baby Bach and Baby Mozart and played them for him. All of the wonderful comments those ladies on the board said could not have been more true. James was mesmerized by the music and images. He is now almost 18 months and still watches them almost daily. A couple of weeks ago I purchased Baby Shakespeare, he said "Apple" the next day! He loved it. He is usually very active but while watching the videos is always glued to the images. He dances and talks back to them but in a quiet way. I purchased Baby Van Gogh today and he just wants me to keep rewinding! I always tell any pregnant women I know about the videos. They were definitely the most important purchases I made for my son. Thank you!"

-2000-10-01, CA

"I bought the Baby Mozart tape for my son for Christmas last year, we have since bought all of your videos for him, he loves them!! We are always anxiously awaiting your new products. We especially appreciate your attention to children with special needs, Garrett is 10 months old and he has down syndrome. Thanks!"

- 2000-09-30, ohio

"We received Baby Mozart as a gift when our son was born. By the time he was a month old, he was hooked. If he was cranky or tired, we'd put on the video, and he would calm down immediately. When he refused to eat solid food, we put on the video, and he was so immersed, he would eat until the video was over. After that, we purchased Baby Bach and Baby Einstein. He loved them just as much. When we bought Baby Shakespeare, he kept asking for us to read the book at bed time. He now loves poetry. He learned the Alphabet Song before he was 2! He also loves his Baby Webster flash cards. Dylan just loves his "Baby Goat" video, and he asks for it all of the time. He says the colors along with the video, and gets the biggest grin on his face. He even sleeps with the puppets! I am so glad that I didn't miss out on this one. I have purchased these vidoes for friends with newborns, and I can't help but let others in on this fabulous set of products. Thank you!"

- 2000-09-24


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