Baby Einstein Australia's Parent Stories

Baby Einstein Australia has these important Messages...

Lisa and her husband use Baby Einstein videos to interact with Katie: 
“My husband and I are amazed at the way that the Baby Einstein tapes engage and absorb our baby. These tapes seem to calm and fascinate her practically from the time that she was born up to her current age of two. The colours, shapes, letters and songs have encouraged our own interaction with her and we are convinced that she is learning much more easily because of the fun way that information is presented. Katie often asks us to put on 'my videos' and she makes sure that you don't get between her and the screen while they are on. We sing the songs and count and identify the colours and animals together.”

Baby Van Gogh helps Jennifer's son to learn his colours: 
“My 20-month-old son has adored Baby Mozart, Baby Newton and Baby Van Gogh for 5 months now. He lovingly refers to them as his 'show'. He watches a 'show' anywhere from 5 to 10 times a day. He loves to nap to these 'shows'. Often he will play during his 'show', but sometimes he plops himself down with his blanket and dummy and watches. We are adding a 'show' at a time rather than buying them all at once. He has been talking in sentences for 2 months now. He is also learning his colours, thanks to Baby Van Gogh! We could not think of better 'shows' with which he could occupy his little mind at this age. Thanks to you all at the Baby Einstein Company!”

Baby Einstein music and visuals reach both young and old: 
“My 2 year old is 'gifted' like her father (he had an A-level reading ability and did long division maths in infants class). Our daughter is following the same path, and I have been struggling with my inability to provide the outlet and stimulation she needs, in a way that doesn't pressurise her. I've bought workbooks and special toys, but felt guilty for not interacting with her enough and felt I was pushing her away to fulfil herself because the methods available to me as a parent were lacking. At last I was told to get Baby Einstein DVDs and the reaction has been exactly what we've needed. Our daughter cannot get enough, and using the interactive flashcards in other languages is an activity for us to do together and one that I can actually enjoy. I cannot wait to get the Baby Einstein books, toys and CDs. The music and visuals reach both old and young, so we finally have something for us to share and do together. Thank you for all that you've accomplished; this has literally been the answer to our prayers.” 


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